


For Beginners


This class teaches the foundational poses of Iyengar Yoga, specifically, Tadasana or Mountain pose. This grounding pose serves as a template for understanding almost all yoga poses.

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Mechanics of Twisting

Build on your learning through the mechanics of twisting. As a progressive program, this class will be the least amount of talking and the most doing.

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Basic Poses

This class focuses on neutral and internal rotation of the legs, moving step-by-step through the alignment in basic poses like Warrior I, or Parsvottonasana, then Seated Baddha Konasana

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Introduction to Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga is especially helpful to those with injuries who are looking to continue to practice safely and effectively. This yoga can also enhance any other styles that you love.

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Restorative and Healing

Stretch and Restore

A slow and supportive practice comprised of stretches with long holds to open the hips and hamstrings. Especially beneficial post-high-intensity workouts or those who are tight in the legs and outer hips.

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Neck and Shoulders

Only 30 minutes a day can keep neck and shoulder pains at bay. Learn how to relieve neck and shoulder tension by engaging the arms, chest, and back more effectively. This class moves through a 30-minute series dedicated to precise movements like shoulder stretches and seated twists to release tension built up in the neck and shoulders.

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Lower Back

A relaxing class that teaches simple, restorative poses to relieve tension and stiffness in the lower back. Students learn Supta Padangusthasana, Parivrtta Padangusthasana, & Ardha Uttanasana, each assisted with a chair for added support.

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Iyengar Yoga for Relaxation

Learn the art of relaxation. This restorative practice teaches how to turn off and tune in to relieve physical and mental tension. Settle in and allow the benefits of each pose to soak into every cell. Finish with two types of Supported Savasana for the ultimate rest and relaxation.

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Mental Clarity

All it takes is 20 minutes to change your perspective. This meditation is a practice in awareness using a variety of techniques that incorporate the eyes, breath, and mind. Practice this meditation both standing and seated.

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Supportive Iyengar Yoga for Sleep

This relaxing sequence of restorative poses gently expands your back and diaphragm while calming your mind. Move slowly through long holds in Easy Pose, Standing Forward Fold and deep Ujjayi breathing so you can transition into sleep with ease.

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Form and Fitness

Light Morning Practice

A gentle flow that focuses on repetition through Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations. Learn how to move in and out of positions from walking, to stepping, to jumping.

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Perfect Your Warrior

An Iyengar Yoga class that teaches how to establish strength, stability, and stamina in your Warriors. Find length in the torso and strength in the legs to build solid foundations for your Warrior I, II, and III. Cool-down in Wide-Legged Forward Bend, Down Dog, and Child’s Pose to let it all go.

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Quick Energizing Abs

Take this quick, no-prop ab sequence anywhere or add it onto another class for a boost of energy. Activate your entire core, including the deep lower abs.

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Iyengar Yoga to Stimulate Circulation

An Iyengar Yoga class that utilizes backbends to strengthen the spine and stimulate circulation. Begin waking up the spine with Intense Side Stretch Pose and Revolved Triangle, then progress the work in the spine in Locust and Bow. Finish with supine twists and Reclining Bound Angle Pose.

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